Monday, October 8, 2012

The Fairy World

Fairy belief varies from culture to culture, person to person.  In some minds the imagination that it takes for the belief to emerge can tune into the Other world.  This Other world is a  dimension which exists closely to ours and at times overlaps.  When this happens the nature spirits of Air, Fire, Water and Earth will let the person experience the world of the Fairies.

There are times when the doors of the realm of the fairies creeps ajar and Nature will lift its veil to the Other world.

One such time is the Spring Equinox, March 21, flowers newly blooming bring out Fairies in abundance.  Natures strength is bursting forth.  Beltane, Mays Eve, is one of the Fire Festivals of the ancient Celts and was still celebrated on hilltops in rural countries in the late 19th centuries.  These seasonal celebrations were fertility rituals of the cycles of the crops.  Beltane marked the beginning of the Celtic Summer.

Lammas, Midsummer Solstice a magical time when the Sun is at its highest power and strength before waning into the Winter months.  Lughnassadh, the older name for the festival Lammas, was a time when the last sheaf of corn was the sacrificial burial for the renewed life of the crops.

The autumn Equinox, September 21, at this time the Dawn and the Dusk are clinging to each other.  Light and Dark are intermingling at this mysterious time Nature Spirits beckon.

Samhain, October 31, the Celtic word for the end of the Summer.  This was the Celtic New Year.  In American customs it is Halloween, All Hallows Eve, in remembrance of the dead.  In ancient times it was a festival which involved sacrifices to the Spirits.

Yule, this is the Winter Solstice, the time when Light begins to return, the time of miraculous births and joy.

Animism is the belief that the natural world, lakes, mountains, trees and rivers possess a spirit that gives off an aura.  Early Greek and Roman beliefs talk of Dryads and Nymphs which populated the groves and rivers of the world.

The magic of Fairies is all around us, it is possible that at one time Fairies did exist, they may have been Gods of another time. There is a medical disorder named Williams syndrome.  this is an hereditary condition where the person has a full face, wizened with large eyes, small noses, wide mouths and tiny chins, with oval ears.  These children grow slowly and remail small for their lifetime, it may be that the tales of Fairies had their origins in this genetic deformity.

 The present time calls on the imagination in order to visit with the Fairies.  There may be a time while weeding in the garder a flickerin the ccorner of you minds eye distracts you it could very well be a Fairy attempting to communicate.  Take the time to stop and hum a line of you favorite song, the joy you give to one lonely Fairy may give you a gl;imse into a world other than you know.

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