Sunday, December 30, 2012


Chaos is a central theme in myths throughout the globe.  The original state of the universe was chaos, a void, dark and formless, nothing existed.

Creator deities emerged from darkness to bring light and life.  Light and dark, order and chaos is the basics of the concept of myth. The duality of the nature myths of various cultures has the Sun vs the Moon, rains against drought, fertility battling barrenness. 

But in the beginning there had to be order from a chaotic state.  Light conquering darkness gave way for Gods to create and be created.  The emergence of the sky and the realms of Heavens and the Underworld.

Mythology of the world has stories of the battles between chaos and order the cyclic renewal exists in all.  In Iran there is the Tree of All Seeds in the Norse mythology there is the World Tree Yggdrasal where a serpent gnaws at its roots in an attempt to conquer order.

Sunlight crucial to survival had the forces of chaos attempting to overcome liht and plunge the world back into eternal darkness

In order for one to exist there has to be the other; conflicts between the opposing forces existed then as now.  Rain without drought brings floods.  The four elements Earth, Air,Fire and Water have the polarity with Earth being the opposite of Air; and Fire the opposite of Water.

The need for opposition in the world was shown in the wisdom of the ancient peoples and their myths, a guar

Saturday, December 29, 2012


Dragons were considered to be weather makers to ancient peoples.  They were lizard like or serpentine in form, often with wings, and controlled the waters beneath the earth and the rain from the Heavens.

Dragons in mythology are typically with snake like traits. A dragon is a mythological representation of snakes or lizards. The cultural dragon from European folklore is derived from the Greek mythology, and the oriental mythology of Japan, China and East Asian countries. These have influenced each other by cross cultural contact.

Different culture's stories vary about the origin of dragons. Some dragons are said to breathe fire or are poisonous, They are commonly depicted as serpent like or having the features of reptiles, and possess scaly bodies. They are sometimes portrayed as watching treasure. Some myths often show them with wings.

They were worshiped and feared for their power and destructive abilities.

Dragons are often held to have spiritual significance in various religions and cultures around the world. To the Asians dragons are revered and represent the forces of nature, religion and the universe. They are associated with wisdom and long life. They often possess magic or other supernatural power, and are very often associated with rain, and the rivers. In legends the blood of dragons is thought as having great power rendering the person who bathed in it superior strength.

Dragons commonly lived in lakes, pools or seas and hibernated during the 
Winter drought months in palaces.  In the Spring they soared to the clouds and cause the rains. When angered and in battle with each other storms occurred.

The stories of dragons appear in many cultures and they are often depicted as the enemies of humanity and were believed to be destructive.  They caused storms, tidal waves creating havoc often while spouting fire.

The Heavens were supported by celestial dragons and subterranean dragons guarded treasures below the Earth's surface.

Tales of Gods battling dragons were told in the Indo-European cultures which symbolized the duality of nature the battle of darkness and light in the fundamental oppositional poles good and evil in our perception of the universe.

Water and Life

Water the substance of life in many myths was the source of the creation of the world.  In many myths it is the destroyer of mankind and holds a powerful symbolism and has developed into myths inhabited by many spirits and deities.

Water spirits came in many forms and had varied powers depending on the region of the world.  Water spirits in drought stricken area were revered as benevolent spirits while in areas of the world where rain was plentiful feared their gods of floods; and ancient seafarers faced the wrath of their gods on the seas. 
All of these people depended on the waters for their life substance and these gods became life giving creative force to be worshiped. 

In ancient times water worshiping was prevalent water's strength gave rise to lakes and rivers being deified.  Numerous river gods and river sprites are found in Celtic myths.  Temples and shrines were prominent in the Celt's lands.

The theme of the search for the Water of Life occurs in many cultures and by bathing in or drinking of people could become immortal.  I Greek mythology if is see in the story of Achilles.The Sea symbolizes life ad existed i the beginning of time.  The Primordial Sea is told in most cultures of the world.  The Sea was both the creator and the destroyer of the world.  In many myths there was an inner ( where men dwelt, fished and sailed on) and an outer Ocean called by the Greeks Oceanus.

The Sea held many mysteries; the Nereids played on the waves, mermaids lived there. Its ocean floor held palaces of the gods and their vast treasures,
The life giving properties of the sea gave it its richness and the sacrifices to the Gods repaid them for their gifts of abundance to men.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Neopaganism in Today's Society

Neopaganism in our society are numerous religious movements which are rooted to old beliefs.

Neopaganisms consists of nature symbolism and the people are taught to have a high respect for non-human life. Veneration of nature dieties is contained in many of the teachings.
Most of the rituals and ceremonies are performed outdoors under the Sun and Moon most often during the solstices, equinoxes and full and new moons and define the ritual calendar.

Commonly neopaganism is polytheistic with multiple dieties, including the worship of goddesses. In almost all neopagan religions the reverence of some form of a Great Earth Mother. They do share commonalities, contemporary pagan religious movements are diverse and no single set of beliefs,
Contemporary paganism encompasses a very broad range of groups and beliefs. It is estimated that there are between 40,000 and 200,000 people in the United States practice some form of neopaganism.; the figure may be much higher and is still growing.

The Wicca, the modern witch covens, have nothing to do with Satanism that many Christians erroneously think of as witchcraft.

Since the 1980s various forms of Druidism based on ancient Celtic mythology have been revived. Contemporary Druidism forms the second largest pagan religion after Wicca. It draws several beliefs and inspirations from the ancient Celtic beliefs. Other groups include Norse (Odinism) and ancient Egyptian god worship.

Druidism  is a form of modern religion that teaches harmony and respect for all beings, including the environment. The revival of Druidism began in Britain during the 18th century. Druidism or Druidry's main principles are respect and veneration of nature, and involves participation in environmental movements.

Neopagans practice a positive life having faiths dedicated to healing the people as well as healing the Earth condemning practices of abuse that do harm to the bodies, minds or spirits.

Paganism has existed in all cultures, from the paleolithic era to present societies. The ancient Egyptians were a pagan society; and paleolithic cultures from the Old Stone Age to the present had strong pagan roots. The resurgence of Pagan movements waxes and wanes as society changes so do beliefs; traditions are varied and usually linked to a specific culture or country.

Religions continue to be a form of control and in controlling the masses there is the always a dominant factor whether it be Christianity, Muslim or Paganism.

A Wikipedia article on Contemporary Neopaganism shows the following table as some of the Neopagan movements that are being practiced today throughout the world.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Lost Worlds

Lost Worlds
Civilization has many definitions.  The basics of a civilization encompasses the lnd, the people and the beliefs that these people have created.  The world of humanity is made up of complex systems of cultures which made up the ancient world; the dawn of civilization developed and waned, prospered and died but the challenges for a society that endures nature and mankind's inconsistencies has left their marks on the Earth.  The attempts to mold the world around them have left virtually permanent evidence of different civilizations of the world.  These societies may have not have lasted to the present time but continue to survive through their relics and monuments left to be uncovered by modern day historians.
Indus Valley Civilization
One of the greatest structures of the ancient world shows that the Indus Valley Civilization was among the worlds largest settlements. The remnants of this culture are located in present day Pakistan, the Indus Valley Civilization dates back 4,500 years ago and in the 1920s the ruins were excavated. Mohenjo-Daro was built in the 26th century BC.  It was one of the largest cities of the Harappan Civilization which developed from the Indus culture.  One of the world's earliest major urban settlements that existed during the time of ancient Egypt, Crete and Mesopotamia. This technologically advanced civilization was proficient in mathematics and engineering. The Indus Valley Civilization was abandoned about the year 1500 BC.
The knowledge of a system of weights and measures people of the Indus civilization was unsurpassed for its time and they were among the first to develop a system of uniform weights and measures.
Although the cities and houses were systematically laid out, with drainage and roads.
Some scholars believe that the Harappan people worshipped an Earth Goddess as artifacts symbolizing fertility have been found to point to the fact, however this has yet to be proven.
A possible natural reason for the decline of this great culture may have been a climate change from about 1800 BC.Mohenjo-daro was abandoned in the 19th century and laid dormant until the 1920's.

Minoan Civilization
A civilization of ancient Crete, named after the mythological or an actual ruler Minos as mentioned in Greek mythology. The Minoan Civilization was discovered early in the 20th century. An ancient civilization that began over 7,000 years ago, the civilization flourished from about 3000 BC to 1100 BC.
Crete was the center of Bronze age culture in the Aegean Sea, the Minoan is known for its great cities and palaces and its use of writing. The religion is thought to have been predominately matriarchal.

Commerce appeared around 2700 BC, and as the civilization advanced, palaces were built. One of these palaces was Knossos, the labyrinth associated with the legend of Minos, which is told in Greek myths of Daedalus. But sometime around 1450 BC, the land was taken over by conquerors and the reign of the Minoans ended.

The Minaret of Jam

The Minaret of Jam an extraordinary remnant of architecture of the Islamic culture is located in a remote valley far from any towns in what is now present day Afghanistan. 

The minaret is a spire associated with the Muslim mosques.

It soars nearly 215 feet and was built in a rocky valley surrounded by cliffs at the juncture of the Hari-rud River and the River Jam.

The minaret stands marking the history of a sultan of the Ghurid dynasty dating to the 12th century. it is believed that the emperors resided in the summers there and is the site of the ancient city of Firuzkuh the capital of the Ghurid dynasty.

The minaret is constructed of brick and lime and is covered with geometrical markings and calligraphy ornaments. There are traces of castles on the cliffs where it is situated. The town of Kiruzkuh was destroyed in 1222 by the Mongols who conquered the area.

The Mayan Empire
In the tropical rain forests of what is now the areas of Guatemala, The Mayan culture reached the peak of its power around 500 AD. The Maya civilization were exceptional at agriculture, artistry, writing, astronomy and mathematics. They created an astonishing architecture and artwork which exists today in the Yucatan.

The Mayas date from 1600 BC to 900 AD which was the reign, with the height being from 250-900 AD. During this time the Mayan people made advances in temple and palace building in pyramid shape with elaborate inscriptions and their reputation in mathematics and astronomy with a complex calendar system attest to their capabilities in these areas.

The Mayans were deeply religious. They worshiped many Gods but in particular they worshiped a Sun God along with a rain, moon and corn gods.

Between the 8th to 9th century an unknown catastrophe occurred and the cities were abandoned and by 900 AD the Mayan civilization collapsed. The Mayans dwelt in agricultural villages in the surrounding areas of the great stone cities.

The causes of a civilization's conflict and the abandonment of these lost civilizations may not be evident now but the quest to find the answers for the decline of these remarkable societies and their demise is within out grasp.  The ancient world holds many secrets these cultures and their fall lays in the dust that is left behind.  Archaeologists are striving to find answers for the questions they cover.  We may never know the true stories which lie behind the lost worlds.

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Fairy World

Fairy belief varies from culture to culture, person to person.  In some minds the imagination that it takes for the belief to emerge can tune into the Other world.  This Other world is a  dimension which exists closely to ours and at times overlaps.  When this happens the nature spirits of Air, Fire, Water and Earth will let the person experience the world of the Fairies.

There are times when the doors of the realm of the fairies creeps ajar and Nature will lift its veil to the Other world.

One such time is the Spring Equinox, March 21, flowers newly blooming bring out Fairies in abundance.  Natures strength is bursting forth.  Beltane, Mays Eve, is one of the Fire Festivals of the ancient Celts and was still celebrated on hilltops in rural countries in the late 19th centuries.  These seasonal celebrations were fertility rituals of the cycles of the crops.  Beltane marked the beginning of the Celtic Summer.

Lammas, Midsummer Solstice a magical time when the Sun is at its highest power and strength before waning into the Winter months.  Lughnassadh, the older name for the festival Lammas, was a time when the last sheaf of corn was the sacrificial burial for the renewed life of the crops.

The autumn Equinox, September 21, at this time the Dawn and the Dusk are clinging to each other.  Light and Dark are intermingling at this mysterious time Nature Spirits beckon.

Samhain, October 31, the Celtic word for the end of the Summer.  This was the Celtic New Year.  In American customs it is Halloween, All Hallows Eve, in remembrance of the dead.  In ancient times it was a festival which involved sacrifices to the Spirits.

Yule, this is the Winter Solstice, the time when Light begins to return, the time of miraculous births and joy.

Animism is the belief that the natural world, lakes, mountains, trees and rivers possess a spirit that gives off an aura.  Early Greek and Roman beliefs talk of Dryads and Nymphs which populated the groves and rivers of the world.

The magic of Fairies is all around us, it is possible that at one time Fairies did exist, they may have been Gods of another time. There is a medical disorder named Williams syndrome.  this is an hereditary condition where the person has a full face, wizened with large eyes, small noses, wide mouths and tiny chins, with oval ears.  These children grow slowly and remail small for their lifetime, it may be that the tales of Fairies had their origins in this genetic deformity.

 The present time calls on the imagination in order to visit with the Fairies.  There may be a time while weeding in the garder a flickerin the ccorner of you minds eye distracts you it could very well be a Fairy attempting to communicate.  Take the time to stop and hum a line of you favorite song, the joy you give to one lonely Fairy may give you a gl;imse into a world other than you know.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sun Worship

The veneration of the Sun or Sun God or Goddess can be found throughout history. Many of these beliefs have been recorded in various forms and can be found in numerous ancient cultures. Solar Gads and the different aspects of the sun's power and strength has passed down through the ages. The Solar boat or chariot is found in ancient Egypt with the Gods Ra and Horus.

Archaeologists are studying the ancient structures that align the Sun and other celestial bodies such as Stonehenge with the appearance of the Sun at the Summer and Winter Solstices. This knowledge of the solar cycles when used as a calendar could have dictated the social leaders of these ancient cultures as o when the agricultural cycles off the year were best for the people. The influence of the Sun on agriculture built them into strong urban civilizations.

The Sun as the giver of light and life to the world is associated with justice and the light of right. The Sun was considered to be the source of wisdom/ The qualities of the Sun reflected the idea if sovereignty and was often a symbol of divine power. The concept of Kingship as understood by ancient civilizations, the King is sacred, who brings order and fertility to the society, and as he prospers and is blessed by the Gods so are the people of the land. The Sun is an All Seeing God who observes good and evil behavior dispelling darkness.,

In ancient Egypt the Sun was significant in the religion and there are hieroglyphics with symbols of the Sun accompanying the Pharaoh. The God Horus was the Sun at sunrise Ra the Sun at noonday and Osiris the sunset.

Thee Aztecs and the Mayas also worshiped the Sun and their complex calenders developed from their belief in Solar deities. The myths of other civilizations , such as, Baal, Apollo, Marduk were also associated with the Sun.

Th Sun occupied an important place in myth and ritual/ In Peru the ruler was an incarnation of the Sun God Inti. The theme of the mourning of an heir and the withholding or overabundance of rain or sun; the resurrection and the return of fertility may be accounted for the Summer droughts and its eventual breaking.

Ancient cultures marveled at the celestial bodies, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars and Constellations because of their power and strength which gave rise to the practice of Sun worship. People looked for the Creators or their Supreme Gods from Nature and the Sun with it's regular cycles and its impact of the lives of the people gave a culture a place in the Universe. Sun worship was a driving force in the religion of many ancient cultures.

Monday, September 17, 2012


A Werewolf is a mythological human who changes into a wolf or a wolf-like creature, they either do this willfully or by having a curse put on them/or by a bite or scratch from a werewolf. The transformation is most often occurs with the Moon's phases commonly when the Moon is Full.

Werewolves have are more powerful in strength and speed than normal wolves or men. The Werewolf legends are found typically in the folklore from Europe, although it has spread through the world.

In European folklore Werewolves tend to have wolf like traits even in their human form. These included connected eyebrows, curved fingernails and other feral traits. One trait in medieval Europe was of werewolf consuming recently buried corpses

One of ways of becoming a Werewolf has been reported as putting on a belt made of wolf skin or an entire animal skin. In other cases, the body is rubbed with a magical ointment; drinking rainwater out of the footprint of a wolf. Having he power to transform others into wild beasts was utilized by sorcerers.

Methods for curing Werewolves in antiquity, the Ancient Greeks and Romans believed in the power of exhaustion in curing the people with long periods of physical activity. The belief that many the Werewolves would be left feeling weak and debilitated.

In medieval Europe to cure a victim with the herb Wolfs bane, surgically or with the help of an exorcist.

The belief that some serial killers commit cannibalism, mutilation, and and kill with cyclic patterns is thought to contribute to the legends of werewolves.

Werewolves in fiction have traits that differ from those of original folklore, the thought that Werewolves can be destroyed by silver bullets or weapons or that they can cause others to become werewolves by biting them comes from modern day fiction. The stories of Werewolves continue to thrive in our culture and literature and film. Who when the Moon is full cam resist the urge to murmur a prayer at the the sight of it. Legends and myth is seldom far from the truth and if this is any indication of the truth in a myth then the continuation of the Werewolf lore is set down for the generations.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Creatures of the Mythological World

Vampires and the Undead

Vampires are mythological creatures who feed on blood of living creatures Although vampires appear in the history of many cultures which go back to the prehistoric. Vampire superstition flooded into Western Europe from areas where vampire legends were recorded first, such as Eastern Europe. This brought a series of mass hysteria and the vampire superstition in Europe it led to bodies being staked and people being accused of being vampires.

Vampires have existed for eons; cultures such as the Greeks and Romans had tales of demons and spirits. However, the vampire as it is known today comes from early 18th century Europe. Many of the regions where folklore began has been recorded and published. Belief in these legends became so instilled that in some areas it caused the executions of people believed to be vampires and included witches and werewolf hysteria.

Vampires were usually described as being bloated with a dark reddish countenance; these characteristics were seen to be from the recent drinking of blood. Blood running from the mouth and nose when in a coffin and wearing shroud the burial shroud.

To the Slavs and Chinese a corpse that an animal that had jumped over was predicted to become a vampire

Many rituals were used to identify a vampire no signs of decomposition in a corpse was the most popular evidence. Signs that a vampire was active included death of cattle, sheep, relatives.
Several items were able to ward off vampires, are common in vampire folklore. Garlic was used either on a door or as a necklace around one's neck and in Europe, sprinkling mustard seeds on the roof of a house was another way of repelling them. Other instruments used were sacred items, holy water, crucifix or rosary beads.. Vampires are said to be unable to cross running water. Also vampires do not have a reflection and do not cast a shadow. Most traditional folklore agree that that vampires were more active at night, they were not generally considered vulnerable to sunlight.

Destroying vampires varied but the most common method was to drive a wooden stake through the heart of the suspected vampire, particularly in southern Slavic cultures, though the mouth was used in Russia and northern Germany.. In Romania, garlic would be placed in the mouth.

Tales of supernatural beings subsisting off of the blood of the living have been found in nearly every culture around the world for many centuries. In ancient civilizations these activities were attributed to spirits and demons.

The vampire is now a major part of popular fiction that began with 18th-century poetry and continued with 19th-century short stories, The vampire theme continued in serial publications and captured worldwide fame in the foremost vampire novel of all time: Dracula by Bram Stoer.

The world of the supernatural beings such as vampires, werewolves and other demons brings us face to face with our deepest fears yet we a re avid readers and listeners to the tales and legends of their heinous deeds. The realm of the unknown is a journey to the be taken one cautious step at a time.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Journey from the Unknown bywena: Mythological Creatures

The Journey from the Unknown bywena: 

The Glory of the Norse Gods

The Norse gods are divided into two major groups, the Aesir and Vanir, in addition to the giants who came first.

According to Norse mythology, the beginning of life was fire and ice, with the existence of only two worlds: Muspelheim and Niflheim. When the warm air of Muspelheim hit the cold ice of Niflheim, Ymir and the icy cow Audhumla were created. The cow Audhumbla licked on a salt stone a man’s hair appeared on the stone, on the third day an entire man emerged from the stone. His name was Búri and he fathered Bor, the father of the three gods Odin, Vili and Ve.

In Norse mythology, Andvari guards treasures, including a cape of invisibility, and gives Loki the magic ring of the Aesir, which is called Draupnir.

Odin the King of the Norse Gods called the God of poetry, battle and death. He was the God of the Aesir. Also known as the one-eyed and father of battle.. A group of warrior Gods were led by Odin who inhabit ed Asgard.

Balder was the son of Odin and Frigg. Known as a gentle and wise god. He was illed accidentally by his brother Hod. He will return after Ragnarok.

Frigg was a main goddess. She was the wife of Odin and mother of Balder.  The Norse patron Goddess of motherhood and marriage, also a fertility Goddess. Frigg had the knowledge of the destiny of every person.

Hel the ruler of Helheim, the realm of the dead

Loki the sly, trickster of the Norse gods. He was the son of two giants. nown as the Sly One, the Trickster, the Shape Changer. He became more evil and was responsible for the death of Balder. He was bound until Ragnarok.

Thor was a God of thunder, the son of Odin. Thor's wife wass Sif. He smashed giants' heads with his mighty hammer. The fifth day of the week is named Thursday after Thor. Thor's possession a his hammer which when thrown, returns to his hand. He possesses the belt of strength. when he puts it on his divine might is doubled.

Brunhilde was a female warrior, one of the Valkyries, and the daughter of the god Odin. She defies Odin and is punished by imprisonment within a ring of fire until a brave hero falls in love and rescues her. Siegfied (Sigurðr, Sigurd) brakes the spell, falls in love with her and gives her the ring, This character and her adventures are numerous and vary but all tell if her honor and prowess as a warrior.

Buri was the primeval man in Norse mythology. He did not have father nor mother, but was created by the cow . As she licked the salt blocks of Ginnagagapthe shape of a man formed. Buri had a son named Bor. And Bor had three sons who were gods: Odin, Vili, and Ve.

Bragi was the god of poetry, and the patron of poets. He was a son of Odin and Frigga. He inspired poetry in humans. Bragi is married to Idun, the goddess of eternal youth.

Ve was one of ancient gods and, the son of the pair of giants Bor and Bestla. He and his three brothers one of which was Odin created heaven and earth from the slain body of the primeval being Ymir and built the twelve realms. They also created the first pair of humans.
Bor is a primordial Norse man, the son of Buri. He married the giantess Bestla, who is a daughter of the frost giant Bolthorn. Bor and Bestla had three children who became the first gods.

These tales of the Norse rich and colorful created by a civilization of ice and snow yet they still retain the roots of a culture which was neither cold or unimaginable. These myths and beliefs from a people of a world alive in the myths and lore are a world in itself.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Russian Gods and Creatures

The Gods of Russia are a race of superhuman humanoid beings who were once worshiped by the ancient Slavic tribes of Eastern Europe from about 500 BC to 1000 AD. Christianity was first introduced approximately after that time.. Very little is known about their history today.

The Russian Gods dwelt in the realm known as Other world, The worshipers in the Baltic area called their gods by names that differed from the names that they were were known as in ancient Russia: The Russian gods are still believed to concern themselves with the welfare of humanity, and visit Earth in human for. 

The earliest Russian gods were the primeval ancestors of the Slavic gods. It is believed that Erce was , the primordial Earth mother who survived the destruction of the Elder Gods of Earth . Many of the Elder Gods were destroyed by Atum. Atum had been born from Gaea .
Erce conceived several children, many with names that are still unknown. Their worship was sporadic and covered the areas throughout Eastern Europe and Western Asia, At some point, Svarog was named as ruler of the Slavic gods, but some of the Gods such as Chert, the god of misfortune, want to accept him as a ruler.
Around 980 AD, the worship of the Russian gods started to lose believers in favor of Christianity. Hundreds of statues and symbols of pagan beliefs were destroyed.

The Russian Gods unlike the Greek Olympians and of the Norse, the Russian Gods have had very little contact with humans,
The Russian Gods are lived an indefinative time, but they are not immortal like the Olympian gods; they age very slowly upon reaching adulthood, but they are not invulnerable to death.
The Russian Gods
possess superhuman strength, stamina , and longevity with mystical powers for magic, the often alter their appearance teleport through dimensions and casting spells. n gods as far as honor and skills in war. They are exceptional warriors and use magic.
To this day much is not known about the Russian Gods. Much is shrouded in mystery. There are still believers in the Gods.