Tuesday, July 31, 2012

El Dorado

The legendary country of the Golden Man which originated in South America. The legend was thought to come from the custom of a people of Colombia who each year anointed a chief; the king was said to be covered with gold dust at a religious festival. The ceremony took place when a new ruler was elected. With this ceremony the new ruler was recognized as king.

El Dorado is a myth in which precious stones were found in abundance; it has fascinated explorers who quested for it since the days of the Spanish conquistadors who conquered the Central and South Americas.

The tale of El Dorado has evolved several times throughout the centuries, and eventually accounts of the previous myth were combined with those of the legendary city. The resulting El Dorado legend which for centuries drew the European explorers. El .Dorado is similar to other myths commonly named as The Fountain of Youth and Shangrila.

El Dorado is also sometimes used as a metaphor as the ultimate prize that one spends a lifetime seeking; It could be a lover, happiness, or fame. It is also used s as a figure of speech to represent something which may not ever be found. The name of El Dorado came to be used as a place where wealth is rapidly accumulated.

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