Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mythological Wars

Mythological wars of the Hindu are the battles described in the Hindu text of ancient India. They consist of many great heroes, extraterrestrial weaponry, magic, and the supernatural beings.
The major wars that were fought for perpetuation of righteousness that brings prosperity to humanity over the wickedness that causes humanity to suffer. The wars were often to eliminate demonic beings or lords and rulers who pursue ambition and domination for worldly pleasures as these are considered evil. But War is taught to be of great personal and social importance, where every warrior must do his duty, epitomizing courage, honor, and fearsome expertise even at the cost of his life.

The major Hindu Gods, often engaged in war, they and many mythological Hindu heroes use celestial weapons with supernatural power to help them in the fight.
The Christian and Jewish version of Heavenly war is seen in the fall of Satan and his angels who for rebelling against God were degraded and condemned to place of punishment on Earth of in Hell.

In The Book of Revelation the casting of Satan down from heaven, which other versions was an action of God, is accredited to the Archangel Michael at the conclusion of a war between the two groups of angels.

Scholars have seen a similar belief in the Dead Sea Scrolls. These are named The War Scrolls and are also known as the War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness. In the War Scroll, the angels of light, who are associated with Michael as the Prince of light, will fight in heaven against the angels of darkness, who are categorized as the fallen angels, the Sons of Light win the final victory.

Patterns in Greek mythology with the fall of superhuman beings punished for opposing the Gods also appears in Greek mythology.  Hephaestus was cast down from the Olympus by Zeus and landed on the island of Lemnos. There are accounts recounts that the Gods, after defeating the Titans, threw them down to Tartarus and condemned them to as far beneath the earth as earth is beneath the skies.

These different accounts can be seen in most mythologies most of the cultures of the earth. Is it a coincidence or is there some basis for these myths? Scholars will continue to research until the mysteries are answered or we will discover the truth behind the myths after our lifetimes.

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