Monday, September 17, 2012


A Werewolf is a mythological human who changes into a wolf or a wolf-like creature, they either do this willfully or by having a curse put on them/or by a bite or scratch from a werewolf. The transformation is most often occurs with the Moon's phases commonly when the Moon is Full.

Werewolves have are more powerful in strength and speed than normal wolves or men. The Werewolf legends are found typically in the folklore from Europe, although it has spread through the world.

In European folklore Werewolves tend to have wolf like traits even in their human form. These included connected eyebrows, curved fingernails and other feral traits. One trait in medieval Europe was of werewolf consuming recently buried corpses

One of ways of becoming a Werewolf has been reported as putting on a belt made of wolf skin or an entire animal skin. In other cases, the body is rubbed with a magical ointment; drinking rainwater out of the footprint of a wolf. Having he power to transform others into wild beasts was utilized by sorcerers.

Methods for curing Werewolves in antiquity, the Ancient Greeks and Romans believed in the power of exhaustion in curing the people with long periods of physical activity. The belief that many the Werewolves would be left feeling weak and debilitated.

In medieval Europe to cure a victim with the herb Wolfs bane, surgically or with the help of an exorcist.

The belief that some serial killers commit cannibalism, mutilation, and and kill with cyclic patterns is thought to contribute to the legends of werewolves.

Werewolves in fiction have traits that differ from those of original folklore, the thought that Werewolves can be destroyed by silver bullets or weapons or that they can cause others to become werewolves by biting them comes from modern day fiction. The stories of Werewolves continue to thrive in our culture and literature and film. Who when the Moon is full cam resist the urge to murmur a prayer at the the sight of it. Legends and myth is seldom far from the truth and if this is any indication of the truth in a myth then the continuation of the Werewolf lore is set down for the generations.

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