Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Mystery of Lilith

And before Eve there was Lilith. A jewish myth that puts a twist on the Bible history of the creation of mankind.

Who was Lilith and how does she live on in womankind's evolution to the present day?

Lilith according to the old Judaic myth was the first wife of Adam. Refusing to submit to Adam as a subservient wife she deserted him and found her own place in history. Lilith was replaced by Eve who, made from the rib in his side, was condemned to being obedient to him and sit at his side.

Lilith became a demon and fled to a cave where she consorted with demon lovers. From these different unions demon children were born. These demons visited the Earth through mirrors they returned at will to their own world. According to the myth Lilith lives on through mirrors and enters the bodies of young girls through their eyes and leads them to indiscretions and promiscuity.

Mirrors have long been believed to be portals to the Other World and that demons inhabiting that world frequently visit the Earth through them . After they committed evils deeds in the earthly world they return at will to the Other Side.

Lilith became the epitome of promiscuity and disobedience. Many modern day women, who some call feminists, view Lilith as a role model symbolizing the equality of the sexes. Lilith did not believe in male dominance; when faced with it she cursed Adam and left to create her own world.

In folklore and mythology there is always the essence of truth. The tale of Lilith contradictory to the religious beliefs of today brings a truth which many have come to believe; and that is that there is an equality between all of mankind and womankind.

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